Source code for jengahq.auth

"""Authentication module."""
import base64
import os

import requests
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5

from . import helpers, send_money, receive_money
from .exceptions import generate_reference, handle_response

[docs]class JengaAPI: """Jenga API CORE Class Representation. Jenga Payment Gateway and Jenga API support the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Framework, requiring you to provide a username and password, as well as an API key that you generate on Jenga HQ part of HTTP Basic Authentication to generate a Bearer token. Once you have a token you can make subsequent requests to initiate payments, check completed transactions and more. Only load your API keys as environment variables and do not share your credentials to anyone over email or any other method of communication. **Params** :api_key: Your Jenga API Key :password: Your Jenga API Password :merchant_code:: the merchant code provided by JengaHQ :env:: the environment in which the API is to be used either *sandbox* or *production* :private_key:: the path to the merchant private key default is "~/.JengaAPI/keys/privatekey.pem" :sandbox_url:: the url used to access the Sandbox API :live_url:: the url used to access the Production API **Example** .. code-block:: python import jengahq jengaApi = jengahq.JengaAPI( api_key="Basic TofFGUeU9y448idLCKVAe35LmAtLU9y448idLCKVAe35LmAtL", password="TofFGUeU9y448idLCKVAe35LmAtL", merchant_code="4144142283", env="sandbox", ) """ def __init__( self, api_key: str, password: str, merchant_code: str, env: str = "sandbox", private_key=os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.JengaApi/keys/privatekey.pem", sandbox_url: str = "", live_url: str = "", ): """Create Jenga Api object.""" self.api_key = api_key self._username = merchant_code self._password = password self.sandbox_url = sandbox_url self.live_url = live_url self.private_key = private_key self.merchant_code = merchant_code self.env = env self._last_auth = None self._prev_token = None @property def authorization_token(self) -> str: """Return Authorization Token. Returns a str like to be used in header as Authorization value .. code-block:: python "Bearer ceTo5RCpluTfGn9B3OZXnnQkDVKM" """ if ( self._last_auth is not None and self._prev_token is not None and not helpers.token_expired(self._last_auth) ): return self._prev_token if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/identity-test/v2/token" else: url = self.live_url + "/identity/v2/token" headers = {"Authorization": self.api_key} body = dict(username=self._username, password=self._password) response =, headers=headers, data=body) response = handle_response(response) token = "Bearer " + response.get("access_token") self._prev_token = token self._last_auth = helpers.timenow() return token
[docs] def signature(self, request_hash_fields: tuple): """Return Signature to be used in request header. Build a String of concatenated values of the request fields with following order: as specificied by the API endpoint The resulting text is then signed with Private Key and Base64 encoded. Takes a tuple of request fields in the order that they should be concatenated, hashes them with SHA-256,signs the resulting hash and returns a Base64 encoded string of the resulting signature """ data = "".join(request_hash_fields).encode("utf-8") with open(self.private_key, "r") as pk: rsa_key = RSA.importKey( signer = digest = digest.update(data) sign = signer.sign(digest) return base64.b64encode(sign)
[docs] def get_transaction_status(self, requestId: str, transferDate: str): """Get transaction status. Use this API to check the status of a B2C transaction """ headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", } data = { "requestId": requestId, "destination": {"type": "M-Pesa"}, "transfer": {"date": transferDate}, } if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/b2c/status/query" else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/b2c/status/query" response =, headers=headers, data=data) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_all_eazzypay_merchants(self, numPages: int = 1, per_page: int = 10): """Return all EazzyPay merchants. This webservice returns all EazzyPay merchants . """ headers = {"Authorization": self.authorization_token} params = {"page": numPages, "per_page": per_page} if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/merchants" else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/merchants" response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_all_billers(self, numPages: int = 1, per_page: int = 10): """Return all billers. This web service returns a paginated list of all billers """ headers = {"Authorization": self.authorization_token} params = {"page": numPages, "per_page": per_page} if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/billers" else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/billers" response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_payment_status(self, transactionReference: str): """Return payment status. The webservice enables an application track the status of a payment that is linked to the Receive Payments - Eazzypay Push web service especially in failure states. """ headers = {"Authorization": self.authorization_token} if self.env == "sandbox": url = ( self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/payments/" + transactionReference ) else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/payments/" + transactionReference response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_transaction_details(self, transactionReference: str): """Return transaction details. This webservice enables an application or service to query a transactions details and status """ headers = {"Authorization": self.authorization_token} if self.env == "sandbox": url = ( self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/payments/details/" + transactionReference ) else: url = ( self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/payments/details/" + transactionReference ) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def purchase_airtime(self, customer: dict, airtime: dict) -> dict: """Purchase airtime. This gives an application the ability to purchase airtime from any telco in East and Central Africa. Example Request :Customer:: .. code-block:: json { "countryCode": "KE", "mobileNumber": "0765555131" } *countryCode*: the telco's ISO country code *mobileNumber*: the mobile number you are purchasing airtime for :Airtime:: .. code-block:: json { "amount": "100", "reference": "692194625798", "telco": "Equitel" } *telco* the telco/provider. For example: Equitel, Safaricom , Airtel. *reference* your transaction references. Should always be a 12 digit string *amount* the airtime amount string Example Response .. code-block:: json { "referenceNumber": "4568899373748", "status": "SUCCESS" } """ airtime["reference"] = generate_reference() payload = { "customer": customer, "airtime": airtime, } merchantCode = (self.merchant_code,) airtimeTelco = (airtime.get("telco"),) airtimeAmount = (airtime.get("amount"),) airtimeReference = (airtime.get("reference"),) fields = (merchantCode, airtimeTelco, airtimeAmount, airtimeReference) headers = { "Authorization": self.authentication_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(fields), } if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/airtime" response =, headers=headers, data=payload) return handle_response(response) else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/airtime" response =, headers=headers, data=payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def kyc_search_verify(self, identity: dict): """Know your customer search and verify. Params: :identity: :documentType: string the document type of the customer. for example ID, PASSPORT, ALIENID :firstName: string first name as per identity document type :lastName: string last name as per identity document type :dateOfBirth: string optional date in YYYY-MM-DD format :documentNumber: string the document id number :countryCode: string the country in which the document relates to (only KE and RW enabled for now) Example Reponse .. code-block:: json { "identity": { "customer": { "fullName": "John Doe ", "firstName": "John", "middlename": "", "lastName": "Doe", "ShortName": "John", "birthDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00", "birthCityName": "", "deathDate": "", "gender": "", "faceImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAYABgA+H8qr6n4e1O71SGFbV/sEOF3O6/N/eb71d/FGkaBVXaq9KfRRRRRUMsKSIdyr0r/9k=", "occupation": "", "nationality": "Refugee" }, "documentType": "ALIEN ID", "documentNumber": "654321", "documentSerialNumber": "100500425", "documentIssueDate": "2002-11-29T12:00:00", "documentExpirationDate": "2004-11-28T12:00:00", "IssuedBy": "REPUBLIC OF KENYA", "additionalIdentityDetails": [ { "documentNumber": "", "documentType": "", "issuedBy": "" } ], "address": { "provinceName": " ", "districtName": "", "locationName": "", "subLocationName": "", "villageName": "" } } } """ documentNumber = identity.get("documentNumber") countryCode = identity.get("countryCode") merchantCode = self.merchant_code headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature( (merchantCode, documentNumber, countryCode), ), } data = {"identity": identity} if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/customer-test/v2/identity/verify" else: url = self.live_url + "/customer/v2/identity/verify" response =, headers=headers, data=data) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def loans_credit_score(self, customer: list, bureau: dict, loan: dict) -> dict: """Get Loans and credit score. Example Request Payload customer,bureau,loan .. code-block:: json { "customer": [{ "id": "", "fullName": "", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "shortName": "", "title": "", "mobileNumber": "", "dateOfBirth": "1999-01-31", "identityDocument": { "documentType": "NationalID", "documentNumber": "12365478" } }], "bureau": { "reportType": "Mobile", "countryCode": "KE" }, "loan": { "amount": "5000" } } Example Response .. code-block:: json { "Person": { "PersonName": {}, "IdentityDocument": { "IdentityDocumentID": "1234568", "IdentityDocumentType": "National ID" } }, "CreditAccountsSummary": [ { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "36", "AccountOpenDate": "17012014", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "65000.00000", "65000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "5000.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "20062014", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "30062014", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "09", "AccountOpenDate": "09062011", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "106458.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "200000.00000", "200000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "1667.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "15062018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "30062018", "AccountStatus": "W", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "36", "AccountOpenDate": "14052014", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "80000.00000", "80000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "6960.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "15122014", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31122014", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "36", "AccountOpenDate": "22092014", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "1000.00000", "1000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "1000.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "15102014", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31102014", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "36", "AccountOpenDate": "29122014", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "80000.00000", "80000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "6666.67000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "16032015", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31032015", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "36", "AccountOpenDate": "20032015", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "80000.00000", "80000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "6666.67000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "16012016", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31012016", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "N:000019:01:2015", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "23", "AccountOpenDate": "06012015", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "300000.00000", "300000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "20562.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "27102017", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31122017", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "068-P-12365478", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "04", "AccountOpenDate": "13102011", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "39844.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "40000.00000", "40000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "2500.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "16072018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31072018", "AccountStatus": "W", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "068-P-25417854", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "04", "AccountOpenDate": "19082015", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "50000.00000", "50000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "2500.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "13022018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31072018", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "0011547896523", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "23", "AccountOpenDate": "02022016", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "80000.00000", "80000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "6666.67000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "16122016", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31012017", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "2569774", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "02062016", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "3000.00000", "3000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "3726.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "26122016", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "30062018", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "11110571749286", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "23", "AccountOpenDate": "14022017", "AccountOwnership": "true", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "120000.00000", "120000.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "10000.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "15112017", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31122017", "AccountStatus": "F", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "JKCBDL1724301111", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "30082017", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "5400.00000", "5400.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "None", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "None", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "13122017", "AccountStatus": "A", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "BCKMLD1802229762", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "08042018", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "0.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "5400.00000", "5400.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "None", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "11062018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "21062018", "AccountStatus": "A", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "MKDLCB1814647289", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "26052018", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "5400.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "5400.00000", "5400.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "5400.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "26052018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31052018", "AccountStatus": "W", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "MKCDLB1818039369", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "29062018", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "2150.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "2150.00000", "2150.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "2150.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "29062018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "30062018", "AccountStatus": "W", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } }, { "AccountIdentifier": { "AccountID": "MDLBBCK1821123688", "AccountCurrency": {} }, "AccountType": "12", "AccountOpenDate": "29072018", "AccountOwnership": "false", "Balance": "2150.00000", "DelinquencyStatus": "No delinquency", "Original_Amount": [ "2150.00000", "2150.00000" ], "PastDueAmount": "0.00000", "LastPaymentAmount": "2150.00000", "LastPaymentReceivedDate": "30072018", "NoofDelayed_Payments": "0", "PostedDateTime": "31072018", "AccountStatus": "W", "LoanAccount": { "PastDueDate": {}, "LoanHighestDaysInArrears": {} } } ], "CreditBureau": { "score": "772", "creditApplications90Days": "0", "creditApplications180Days": "0", "creditApplications365Days": "0", "crbEnqiry90Days": "0", "crbEnqiry180Days": "0", "crbEnqiry365Days": "0", "BouncedCheques90Days": "0", "BouncedCheques180Days": "0", "BouncedCheques365Days": "0", "AcctNonPerformingCurrent": "0", "AcctNonPerformingHisto": "0", "AcctPerformingCurrent": "15", "AcctPerformingHisto": "NaN", "IsFraud": "false", "isGuarantor": "false", "delinquency_code": "No delinquency" } } """ payload = {"customer": customer, "bureau": bureau, "loan": loan} dateOfBirth = payload.get("customer")[0].get("dateOfBirth") merchantCode = self.merchant_code documentNumber = ( payload.get("customer")[0].get( "identityDocument").get("documentNumber") ) headers = { "Authorization": self.authentication_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature((dateOfBirth, merchantCode, documentNumber)), } if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/customer-test/v2/creditinfo" else: url = self.live_url + "/customer/v2/creditinfo" response =, headers=headers, data=payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_forex_rates(self, countryCode: str, currencyCode: str) -> dict: """Return Forex rates. Params :countryCode:: the country for which rates are being requested. Valid values are KE, TZ, UG, RW. :currencyCode:: the currency code of the currency that is being converted from in ISO 4217 format Example Request .. code-block:: json { "countryCode": "KE", "currencyCode": "USD" } Example Response :currencyRates:: list of conversion rates for major currencies .. code-block:: json { "currencyRates":[], "fromCurrency": "KES", "rate":101.3, "toCurrency": "USD" } """ headers = { "Authorization": self.authentication_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", } data = { "countryCode": countryCode, "currencyCode": currencyCode, } if self.env == "sandbox": url = self.sandbox_url + "/transaction-test/v2/foreignexchangerates" else: url = self.live_url + "/transaction/v2/foreignexchangerates" response =, headers=headers, data=data) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_account_available_balance( self, countryCode: str, accountId: str, ) -> dict: """Get Account's available balance. Retrieve the current and available balance of an account 200 Success Response Schema .. code-block:: json { "currency": "KES", "balances": [ { "amount": "997382.57", "type": "Current" }, { "amount": "997382.57", "type": "Available" } ] } """ headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "signature": self.signature((countryCode, accountId)), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = f"/account-test/v2/accounts/balances/{countryCode}/{accountId}" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = f"/account/v2/accounts/balances/{countryCode}/{accountId}" url = self.live_url + resource response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_account_opening_and_closing_balance( self, accountId: str, countryCode: str, date: str, ): """Get account opening and closing balance. Example Request .. code-block:: json { "countryCode": "KE", "accountId": "0011547896523", "date": "2017-09-29" } Example Response .. code-block:: json { "balances": [ { "type": "Closing Balance", "amount": "10810.00" }, { "type": "Opening Balance", "amount": "103.00" } ] } """ headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "signature": self.signature((accountId, countryCode, date)), } data = { "countryCode": countryCode, "accountId": accountId, "date": date, } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/account-test/v2/accounts/accountbalance/query" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/account/v2/accounts/accountbalance/query" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=data) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_account_mini_statement(self, countryCode: str, accountNumber: str): """Get account mini statement. Example Response .. code-block:: json { "accountNumber": "0011547896523", "currency": "KES", "balance": 1000, "transactions": [ { "chequeNumber": null, "date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00", "description": "EAZZY-FUNDS TRNSF TO A/C XXXXXXXXXXXX", "amount": "100", "type": "Debit" }, { "chequeNumber": null, "date": "2017-01-03T00:00:00", "description": "SI ACCOUNT TO ACCOUNT THIRD PA", "amount": "51", "type": "Debit" }, { "chequeNumber": null, "date": "2017-01-05T00:00:00", "description": "CHARGE FOR OTC ECS TRAN", "amount": "220", "type": "Debit" }, { "chequeNumber": null, "date": "2017-01-05T00:00:00", "description": "SI ACCOUNT TO ACCOUNT THIRD PA", "amount": "20", "type": "Debit" } ] } """ headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature((countryCode, accountNumber)), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = ( f"/account-test/v2/accounts/ministatement/{countryCode}/{accountNumber}" ) url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = ( f"/account/v2/accounts/ministatement/{countryCode}/{accountNumber}" ) url = self.live_url + resource response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_account_full_statement( self, countryCode: str, accountNumber: str, fromDate: str, toDate: str, limit=10, ): """Get account full statement. Example Response .. code-block:: json { "accountNumber": "0011547896523", "currency": "KES", "balance": 997382.57, "transactions": [ { "reference": 541, "date": "2018-07-13T00:00:00.000", "description": "EQUITEL-BUNDLE/254764555383/8755", "amount": 900, "serial": 1, "postedDateTime": "2018-07-13T09:51:27.000", "type": "Debit", "runningBalance": { "currency": "KES", "amount": 1344.57 } }, { "reference": "S4921027", "date": "2018-07-18T00:00:00.000", "description": "EAZZY-AIRTIME/EQUITEL/254764555383/100000939918/18", "amount": 200, "serial": 1, "postedDateTime": "2018-07-18T16:27:18.000", "type": "Debit", "runningBalance": { "currency": "KES", "amount": 1144.57 } }, { "reference": 5436, "date": "2018-07-19T00:00:00.000", "description": "CREDIT TRANSFER", "amount": 1000000, "serial": 2, "postedDateTime": "2018-07-19T12:01:47.000", "type": "Credit", "runningBalance": { "currency": "KES", "amount": 1001144.57 } } ] } """ payload = { "countryCode": countryCode, "accountNumber": accountNumber, "fromDate": fromDate, "toDate": toDate, "limit": limit, } accountNumber = payload.get("accountNumber") countryCode = payload.get("countryCode") toDate = payload.get("toDate") headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature((accountNumber, countryCode, toDate)), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/account-test/v2/accounts/fullstatement/" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/account/v2/accounts/fullstatement/" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def send_money_to_equity( self, source: send_money.Source, destination: send_money.Dest, transfer: send_money.Dest, ): """Send money to bank account within equity bank.""" ift = send_money.IFT(source, destination, transfer) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(ift.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/remittance#sendeqtybank" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/remittance#sendeqtybank" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=ift.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def send_money_to_mobile_wallet( self, source: send_money.Source, destination: send_money.MobileDest, transfer: send_money.MobileTransfer, ): """Send money to mobile wallets from equity bank.""" ift = send_money.IFT(source, destination, transfer) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(ift.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/remittance#sendmobile" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/remittance#sendmobile" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=ift.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def send_money_to_rtgs( self, source: send_money.Source, destination: send_money.RTGSDest, transfer: send_money.Transfer, ): """Send money to RTGS from equity bank.""" ift = send_money.RTGS(source, destination, transfer) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(ift.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/remittance#rtgs" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/remittance#rtgs" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=ift.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def send_money_to_swift( self, source: send_money.Source, destination: send_money.SWIFTDest, transfer: send_money.SWIFTTransfer, ): """Send money to SWIFT from equity bank.""" ift = send_money.SWIFT(source, destination, transfer) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(ift.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/remittance#swift" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/remittance#swift" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=ift.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def send_money_to_eft( self, source: send_money.Source, destination: send_money.EFTDest, transfer: send_money.EFTTransfer, ): """Send money to EFT from equity bank.""" ift = send_money.EFT(source, destination, transfer) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(ift.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/remittance#eft" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/remittance#eft" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=ift.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def receive_money_eazzypay_push( self, customer: receive_money.Customer, transaction: receive_money.Transaction, ): """Receive Money from customer via Eazzy pay push.""" rmo = receive_money.EazzyPayPush( customer, transaction, self.merchantCode) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(rmo.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/payments" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/payments" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=rmo.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def receive_money_bill_payment( self, biller: receive_money.Biller, bill: receive_money.Bill, payer: receive_money.Payer, partnerId: str, remarks: str, ): """Receive Money via bill Payments.""" rmo = receive_money.BillPayment( biller, bill, payer, partnerId, remarks, ) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(rmo.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/bills/pay" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/bills/pay" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=rmo.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def receive_money_merchant_payment( self, merchant: receive_money.Merchant, payment: receive_money.Payment, partner: receive_money.Partner, ): """Receive money via merchant payments.""" rmo = receive_money.MerchantPayment(merchant, payment, partner) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(rmo.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/tills/pay" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/tills/pay" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=rmo.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def receive_money_refund_payment( self, customer: receive_money.Customer, transaction: receive_money.RefundReverseTransaction, ): """Refund Payment from customer.""" rmo = receive_money.RefundReversePayment(customer, transaction) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature(rmo.sigkeys), } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/payments/refund" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/payments/refund" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=rmo.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def receive_money_bill_validation( self, billerCode, customerRefNumber, amount, amountCurrency, ): """Perform bill validation.""" rmo = receive_money.BillValidation( billerCode, customerRefNumber, amount, amountCurrency, ) headers = { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", } if self.env == "sandbox": resource = "/transaction-test/v2/bills/validation" url = self.sandbox_url + resource else: resource = "/transaction/v2/bills/validation" url = self.live_url + resource response =, headers=headers, data=rmo.body_payload) return handle_response(response)
[docs]def generate_key_pair(): """Generate a public/private key pair. Generates a Public/Public RSA Key Pair which is store in the current User's **HOME** directory under the **.JengaAPI/keys/** Directory """ import os home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") if not os.path.exists(home_dir + "/.JengaApi"): os.mkdir(home_dir + "/.JengaApi") keypath = os.path.join(home_dir, ".JengaApi", "keys") if not os.path.exists(keypath): os.mkdir(keypath) print(f"created {keypath}") os.system( f"cd {keypath};openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048;openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out publickey.pem" ) os.system(f"ls {keypath}")