Source code for jengahq.receive_money

"""Receive money module."""

[docs]class Merchant: """Merchant class.""" def __init__(self, till): """Create merchant.""" self.till = till
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return merchant as json.""" return { "merchant": { "till": self.till, } }
[docs]class Partner: """Partner class.""" def __init__(self, id, reference): """Create partner.""" = id self.ref = reference
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return partner as json.""" return { "partner": { "id":, "ref": self.ref, } }
[docs]class Payment: """Payment class.""" def __init__(self, amount, currency, reference): """Create payment.""" self.amount = amount self.currency = currency self.ref = reference
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return payment as json.""" return { "payment": { "amount": self.amount, "currency": self.currency, "ref": self.ref, } }
[docs]class Bill: """Bill class.""" def __init__(self, amount, currency, reference): """Create bill.""" self.amount = amount self.currency = currency self.reference = reference
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return bill as json.""" return { "bill": { "amount": self.amount, "currency": self.currency, "reference": self.reference, "type": self.type, } }
[docs]class Transaction: """Transaction class.""" def __init__(self, amount, description, reference, type="EazzyPayOnline"): """Create transaction.""" self.amount = amount self.description = description self.reference = reference self.type = type
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return transaction as json.""" return { "transaction": { "amount": self.amount, "description": self.description, "reference": self.reference, "type": self.type, } }
[docs]class RefundReverseTransaction(Transaction): """Refund or reverse Transaction class.""" def __init__( self, amount, description, reference, service="EazzyPayOnline", channel="EAZ", type="refund", ): """Create refund or reversal transaction.""" self.amount = amount self.description = description self.reference = reference self.service = service = channel self.type = type
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return transaction as json.""" return { "transaction": { "amount": self.amount, "description": self.description, "reference": self.reference, "service": self.service, "channel":, "type": self.type, } }
[docs]class Payer: """Payer class.""" def __init__( self, name, account, reference, mobileNumber, ): """Create payer.""" self.mobileNumber = mobileNumber = name self.account = account self.reference = reference
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return payer as json.""" return { "payer": { "name":, "account": self.account, "mobileNumber": self.mobileNumber, "reference": self.reference, } }
[docs]class Customer: """Customer class.""" def __init__(self, mobileNumber, countryCode="KE"): """Create customer.""" self.mobileNumber = mobileNumber self.countryCode = countryCode
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return customer as json.""" return { "customer": { "mobileNumber": self.mobileNumber, "countryCode": self.countryCode, } }
[docs]class Biller: """Biller class.""" def __init__(self, billerCode, countryCode="KE"): """Create biller.""" self.billerCode = billerCode self.countryCode = countryCode
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return biller as json.""" return { "biller": { "billerCode": self.billerCode, "countryCode": self.countryCode, } }
[docs]class EazzypayPush: """Easy Pay Push.""" def __init__( self, customer: Customer, transaction: Transaction, merchantCode, ): """Create EazzyPay Push object.""" self.customer = customer self.transaction = Transaction self.merchantCode = merchantCode @property def body_payload(self): """Return body payload as json.""" d = {} d.update(self.customer.to_json()) d.update(self.transaction.to_json()) return d @property def sigkey(self): """Return tuple of fields to gen signature.""" return ( self.transaction.reference, self.transaction.amount, self.merchantCode, self.customer.countryCode, )
[docs]class BillPayment: """Bill Payments.""" def __init__( self, biller: Biller, bill: Bill, payer: Payer, partnerId, remarks, ): """Create bill payment object.""" self.biller = biller self.bill = bill self.payer = payer self.partnerId = partnerId self.remarks = remarks @property def body_payload(self): """Return body payload as json.""" d = {} d.update(self.biller.to_json()) d.update(self.bill.to_json()) d.update(self.payer.to_json()) d.update({"partnerId": self.partnerId, "remarks": self.remarks}) return d @property def sigkey(self): """Return tuple of fields to gen signature.""" return ( self.biller.billerCode, self.bill.amount, self.payer.reference, self.partnerId, )
[docs]class MerchantPayment: """Merchant Payments.""" def __init__( self, merchant: Merchant, payment: Payment, partner: Partner, ): """Create Merchant Payment object.""" self.merchant = merchant self.payment = payment self.partner = partner @property def body_payload(self): """Return body payload as json.""" d = {} d.update(self.merchant.to_json()) d.update(self.payment.to_json()) d.update(self.partner.to_json()) return d @property def sigkey(self): """Return tuple of fields to gen signature.""" return ( self.merchant.till,, self.payment.amount, self.payment.currency, self.payment.ref, )
[docs]class RefundReversePayment: """Refund Reverse Payment.""" def __init__( self, customer: Customer, transaction: RefundReverseTransaction, ): """Create a refund/reverse payment object.""" self.customer = customer self.transaction = transaction @property def body_payload(self): """Return body payload as json.""" d = {} d.update(self.customer.to_json()) d.update(self.transaction.to_json()) return d @property def sigkey(self): """Return tuple of fields to gen signature.""" return ( self.transaction.amount, self.transaction.reference, )
[docs]class BillValidation: """Bill Validation.""" def __init__( self, billerCode, customerRefNumber, amount, amountCurrency, ): """Create Bill Validation object.""" self.billerCode = billerCode self.customerRefNumber = customerRefNumber self.amount = amount self.amountCurrency = amountCurrency @property def body_payload(self): """Return body payload as json.""" return { "billerCode": self.billerCode, "customerRefNumber": self.customerRefNumber, "amount": self.amount, "amountCurrency": self.amountCurrency, } @property def sigkey(self): """Return Tuple to gen signature.""" return None