Getting Started


pip install equity-jenga-api

First Things First

Generating an openSSL private/public key pair.

Since v2 of the API, JengaHQ now requires some APIs to include signatures as a security measure. This signatures are usually generated by signing some request fields with a private key. In order to use JengaHQ you’ll have to upload your public key to the developer console on JengaHQ after you generate your key pair.

This Library provides a CLI command to help you generate those keys.


The generated keys will be stored in your home directory under the .JengaAPI/keys/ folder and this is where by default the Library looks for your private key when initiating JengaRequest Objects.

After Installation, Generate Your Keys using the following command:

$ jenga_gen_key_pair


Then copy the ~/.JengaApi/keys/publickey.pem to your developer console on JengaHq.

Using The APIs

Creating JengaRequest objects

By Design all API classes provided inherit from the jengahq.auth.JengaAPI class which takes the following parameters: